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dm_add_uk() marks the specified columns as a unique key of the specified table. If check == TRUE, then it will first check if the given combination of columns is a unique key of the table.


dm_add_uk(dm, table, columns, ..., check = FALSE)



A dm object.


A table in the dm.


Table columns, unquoted. To define a compound key, use c(col1, col2).


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Boolean, if TRUE, a check is made if the combination of columns is a unique key of the table.


An updated dm with an additional unqiue key.


The difference between a primary key (PK) and a unique key (UK) consists in the following:

  • When a local dm is copied to a database (DB) with copy_dm_to(), a PK will be set on the DB by default, whereas a UK is being ignored.

  • A PK can be set as an autoincrement key (also implemented on certain DBMS when the dm is transferred to the DB)

  • There can be only one PK for each table, whereas there can be unlimited UKs

  • A UK will be used, if the same table has an autoincrement PK in addition, to ensure that during delta load processes on the DB (cf. dm_rows_append()) the foreign keys are updated accordingly. If no UK is available, the insertion is done row-wise, which also ensures a correct matching, but can be much slower.

  • A UK can generally enhance the data model by adding additional information

  • There can also be implicit UKs, when the columns addressed by a foreign key are neither a PK nor a UK. These implicit UKs are also listed by dm_get_all_uks()

See also

Other primary key functions: dm_add_pk(), dm_get_all_pks(), dm_get_all_uks(), dm_has_pk(), dm_rm_pk(), dm_rm_uk(), enum_pk_candidates()


nycflights_dm <- dm(
  planes = nycflights13::planes,
  airports = nycflights13::airports,
  weather = nycflights13::weather

# Create unique keys:
nycflights_dm %>%
  dm_add_uk(planes, tailnum) %>%
  dm_add_uk(airports, faa, check = TRUE) %>%
  dm_add_uk(weather, c(origin, time_hour)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   table    uk_col            kind       
#>   <chr>    <keys>            <chr>      
#> 1 planes   tailnum           explicit UK
#> 2 airports faa               explicit UK
#> 3 weather  origin, time_hour explicit UK

# Keys can be checked during creation:
  nycflights_dm %>%
    dm_add_uk(planes, manufacturer, check = TRUE)
#> Error in abort_not_unique_key(x_label, orig_names) : 
#>   (`manufacturer`) not a unique key of `planes`.