Create a dm object from a database
James Wondrasek, Kirill Müller
{dm} was designed to make connecting to and working with a relational database management system (RDBMS) as straightforward as possible. To this end, a dm object can be created from any database that has a {DBI} backend available (see list).
When a dm object is created via a DBI connection to an RDBMS, it can import all the tables in the database, the active schema, or a limited set. For some RDBMS, such as Postgres, SQL Server and MariaDB, primary and foreign keys are also imported and do not have to be manually added afterwards.
To demonstrate, we will connect to a relational dataset repository
with a database server that is publicly accessible without registration.
It hosts a financial
dataset that contains loan data along with relevant account
information and transactions. We chose this dataset because the
relationships between loan
, account
, and
tables are a good representation of databases
that record real-world business transactions.
Below, we open a connection to the publicly accessible database
server using their documented connection parameters. Connection details
vary from database to database. Before connecting to your own RDBMS, you
may want to read vignette("DBI", package = "DBI")
further information.
my_db <- dbConnect(
username = "guest",
password = "ctu-relational",
dbname = "Financial_ijs",
host = "relational.fel.cvut.cz"
Creating a dm object takes a single call to
with the DBI connection object as its
my_dm <- dm_from_con(my_db)
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: mysql [guest@relational.fel.cvut.cz:3306/Financial_ijs]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `accounts`, `cards`, `clients`, `disps`, `districts`, … (9 total)
#> Columns: 57
#> Primary keys: 9
#> Foreign keys: 8
The components of the my_dm
object are lazy tables
powered by {dbplyr}.
{dbplyr} translates the {dplyr} grammar of data
manipulation into queries the database server understands. Lazy tables
defer downloading of table data until results are required for printing
or local processing.
Building a dm from a subset of tables
A dm can also be constructed from individual tables or views. This is useful for when you want to work with a subset of a database’s tables, perhaps from different schemas.
Below, we use the $
notation to extract two tables from
the financial database. Then we create our dm by passing the tables in
as arguments. Note that the tables arguments have to all be from the
same source, in this case my_db
#> [1] "trans" "districts" "clients" "orders" "cards" "disps"
#> [7] "tkeys" "accounts" "loans"
loans <- tbl(my_db, "loans")
accounts <- tbl(my_db, "accounts")
my_manual_dm <- dm(loans, accounts)
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: mysql [guest@relational.fel.cvut.cz:3306/Financial_ijs]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `loans`, `accounts`
#> Columns: 11
#> Primary keys: 0
#> Foreign keys: 0
Defining Primary and Foreign Keys
Primary keys and foreign keys are how relational database tables are
linked with each other. A primary key is a column or column tuple that
has a unique value for each row within a table. A foreign key is a
column or column tuple containing the primary key for a row in another
table. Foreign keys act as cross references between tables. They specify
the relationships that gives us the relational database. For
more information on keys and a crash course on databases, see
In many cases, dm_from_con()
already returns a dm with
all keys set. If not, dm allows us to define primary and foreign keys
ourselves. For this, we use learn_keys = FALSE
to obtain a
object with only the tables.
fin_dm <- dm_from_con(my_db, learn_keys = FALSE)
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: mysql [guest@relational.fel.cvut.cz:3306/Financial_ijs]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `trans`, `districts`, `clients`, `orders`, `cards`, … (9 total)
#> Columns: 57
#> Primary keys: 0
#> Foreign keys: 0
The model
diagram provided by our test database loosely illustrates the
intended relationships between tables. In the diagram, we can see that
the loans
table should be linked to the
table. Below, we create those links in 3
- Add a primary key
to theaccounts
table - Add a primary key
to theloans
table - Add a foreign key
to theloans
table referencing theaccounts
Then we assign colors to the tables and draw the structure of the dm.
Note that when the foreign key is created, the primary key in the
referenced table does not need to be specified, but the primary
key must already be defined. And, as mentioned above, primary
and foreign key constraints on the database are currently only imported
for Postgres, SQL Server databases and MariaDB, and only when
is used. This process of key definition needs
to be done manually for other databases.
my_dm_keys <-
my_manual_dm %>%
dm_add_pk(accounts, id) %>%
dm_add_pk(loans, id) %>%
dm_add_fk(loans, account_id, accounts) %>%
dm_set_colors(green = loans, orange = accounts)
my_dm_keys %>%
Once you have instantiated a dm object, you can continue to add
tables to it. For tables from the original source for the dm, use
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: mysql [guest@relational.fel.cvut.cz:3306/Financial_ijs]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `loans`, `accounts`, `trans`
#> Columns: 21
#> Primary keys: 2
#> Foreign keys: 1
Serializing a dm object
A dm object is always linked to a database connection. This connection is lost when the dm object is saved to disk, e.g., when saving the workspace in R or in Posit Workbench, or when using knitr chunks:
unserialize(serialize(my_dm_keys, NULL))
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Error: Invalid connection
The connection is tightly coupled with the tables in the dm object and cannot be replaced. A practical solution is to define, for each dm object your project uses, a function that recreates it using a new database connection:
my_db_fun <- function() {
username = "guest",
password = "ctu-relational",
dbname = "Financial_ijs",
host = "relational.fel.cvut.cz"
my_dm_fun <- function(my_db = my_db_fun()) {
loans <- tbl(my_db, "loans")
accounts <- tbl(my_db, "accounts")
dm(loans, accounts) %>%
dm_add_pk(accounts, id) %>%
dm_add_pk(loans, id) %>%
dm_add_fk(loans, account_id, accounts) %>%
dm_set_colors(green = loans, orange = accounts)
To avoid reconnecting and/or recreating every time you need a dm
object, you can use memoise::memoise()
to memoize the
connection and/or dm functions.
Transient nature of operations
Like other R objects, a dm is immutable and all operations performed on it are transient unless stored in a new variable.
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: mysql [guest@relational.fel.cvut.cz:3306/Financial_ijs]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `loans`, `accounts`
#> Columns: 11
#> Primary keys: 2
#> Foreign keys: 1
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: mysql [guest@relational.fel.cvut.cz:3306/Financial_ijs]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `loans`, `accounts`, `trans`
#> Columns: 21
#> Primary keys: 2
#> Foreign keys: 1
And, like {dbplyr}, results are never written to a database unless explicitly requested.
my_dm_keys %>%
#> Renaming ambiguous columns: %>%
#> dm_rename(loans, date.loans = date) %>%
#> dm_rename(accounts, date.accounts = date)
#> # Source: SQL [?? x 10]
#> # Database: mysql [guest@relational.fel.cvut.cz:3306/Financial_ijs]
#> id account_id date.loans amount duration payments status district_id
#> <int> <int> <date> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr> <int>
#> 1 4959 2 1994-01-05 80952 24 3373 A 1
#> 2 4961 19 1996-04-29 30276 12 2523 B 21
#> 3 4962 25 1997-12-08 30276 12 2523 A 68
#> 4 4967 37 1998-10-14 318480 60 5308 D 20
#> 5 4968 38 1998-04-19 110736 48 2307 C 19
#> 6 4973 67 1996-05-02 165960 24 6915 A 16
#> 7 4986 97 1997-08-10 102876 12 8573 A 74
#> 8 4988 103 1997-12-06 265320 36 7370 D 44
#> 9 4989 105 1998-12-05 352704 48 7348 C 21
#> 10 4990 110 1997-09-08 162576 36 4516 C 36
#> # ℹ more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: frequency <chr>, date.accounts <date>
my_dm_keys %>%
dm_flatten_to_tbl(loans) %>%
#> Renaming ambiguous columns: %>%
#> dm_rename(loans, date.loans = date) %>%
#> dm_rename(accounts, date.accounts = date)
#> `loans`.`id` AS `id`,
#> `account_id`,
#> `loans`.`date` AS `date.loans`,
#> `amount`,
#> `duration`,
#> `payments`,
#> `status`,
#> `district_id`,
#> `frequency`,
#> `accounts`.`date` AS `date.accounts`
#> FROM `loans`
#> LEFT JOIN `accounts`
#> ON (`loans`.`account_id` = `accounts`.`id`)
Performing operations on tables by “zooming”
As the dm is a collection of tables, if we wish to perform operations
on an individual table, we set it as the context for those operations
using dm_zoom_to()
. See
for more detail on zooming.
dm operations are transient unless persistence is explicitly
requested. To make our chain of manipulations on the selected table
permanent, we assign the result of dm_insert_zoomed()
to a
new object, my_dm_total
. This is a new dm object, derived
from my_dm_keys
, with a new lazy table
linked to the accounts
my_dm_total <-
my_dm_keys %>%
dm_zoom_to(loans) %>%
group_by(account_id) %>%
summarize(total_amount = sum(amount, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
Context is set to the table “loans” using
. You can learn more about zooming in the
tutorial vignette("tech-dm-zoom")
. We then use {dplyr} functions on the zoomed
table to generate a new summary table.
returns a temporary table with one row for
each group created by the preceding group_by()
The columns in the temporary table are constrained to the columns passed
as arguments to the group_by()
function and the column(s)
created by the summarize()
adds the temporary table
created by summarize()
to the data model under a new name,
. Because the grouping variable
is a primary key, the new derived table is
automatically linked to the accounts
my_dm_total %>%
dm_set_colors(violet = total_loans) %>%
The resulting table total_loans
can be accessed like any
other table in the dm object.
#> # Source: SQL [?? x 2]
#> # Database: mysql [guest@relational.fel.cvut.cz:3306/Financial_ijs]
#> account_id total_amount
#> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 2 80952
#> 2 19 30276
#> 3 25 30276
#> 4 37 318480
#> 5 38 110736
#> 6 67 165960
#> 7 97 102876
#> 8 103 265320
#> 9 105 352704
#> 10 110 162576
#> # ℹ more rows
It is a lazy table powered by the {dbplyr} package: the results are not materialized; instead, an SQL query is built and executed each time the data is requested.
my_dm_total$total_loans %>%
#> <SQL> SELECT `account_id`, SUM(`amount`) AS `total_amount`
#> FROM `loans`
#> GROUP BY `account_id`
Use compute()
on a zoomed table to materialize it to a
temporary table and avoid recomputing. See
for more details.
Downloading data
When it becomes necessary to move data locally for analysis or
reporting, the {dm} method collect()
is used. Operations on
dm objects for databases are limited to report only the first ten
results. collect()
forces the evaluation of all SQL queries
and the generation of the complete set of results. The resulting tables
are transferred from the RDBMS and stored as local tibbles.
#> # A tibble: 682 × 2
#> account_id total_amount
#> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 2 80952
#> 2 19 30276
#> 3 25 30276
#> 4 37 318480
#> 5 38 110736
#> 6 67 165960
#> 7 97 102876
#> 8 103 265320
#> 9 105 352704
#> 10 110 162576
#> # ℹ 672 more rows
Use this method with caution. If you are not sure of the size of the
dataset you will be downloading, you can call dm_nrow()
your dm
for the row count of your data model’s tables.
Persisting results
It is just as simple to move a local relational model into an RDBMS
as is using collect()
to download it. The method used is
and it takes as arguments a database
connection and a dm object. In the example below, a local SQLite
database is used to demonstrate it, but {dm} is designed to work with
any RDBMS supported by {DBI}.
destination_db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite())
deployed_dm <- copy_dm_to(destination_db, my_dm_local)
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: sqlite 3.47.0 []
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `loans`, `accounts`, `total_loans`
#> Columns: 13
#> Primary keys: 2
#> Foreign keys: 2
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `loans`, `accounts`, `total_loans`
#> Columns: 13
#> Primary keys: 2
#> Foreign keys: 2
In the output, you can observe that the src
is the SQLite database, while for
the source is the local R environment.
Persisting tables are covered in more detail in
When done, do not forget to disconnect:
In this tutorial, we have demonstrated how simple it is to load a
database into a dm
object and begin working with it.
Currently, loading a dm from most RDBMS requires you to manually set key
relations, but {dm} provides methods to make this straightforward. It is
planned that future versions of dm will support automatic key creation
for more RDBMS.
The next step is to read vignette("howto-dm-copy")
where copying your tables to and from an RDBMS is covered.
discusses manipulation of
individual rows in a database.
Further reading
– Is your data in local data
frames? This article covers creating a data model from your local data
frames, including building the relationships in your data model,
verifying your model, and leveraging the power of dplyr to operate on
your data model.
– Do you know all about data
frames but very little about relational data models? This quick
introduction will walk you through the key similarities and differences,
and show you how to move from individual data frames to a relational
data model.