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check_key() accepts a data frame and, optionally, columns. It throws an error if the specified columns are NOT a unique key of the data frame. If the columns given in the ellipsis ARE a key, the data frame itself is returned silently, so that it can be used for piping.


check_key(x, ..., .data = deprecated())



The data frame whose columns should be tested for key properties.


The names of the columns to be checked, processed with dplyr::select(). If omitted, all columns will be checked.




Returns x, invisibly, if the check is passed. Otherwise an error is thrown and the reason for it is explained.


data <- tibble::tibble(a = c(1, 2, 1), b = c(1, 4, 1), c = c(5, 6, 7))
# this is failing:
try(check_key(data, a, b))
#> Error in abort_not_unique_key(x_label, orig_names) : 
#>   (`a`, `b`) not a unique key of `data`.

# this is passing:
check_key(data, a, c)